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Pop over the parapet and make that move

February 8, 2018 Kate Porter

February is likely to see a further uptick in invitations as those who seek a steer on what to do to their home before marketing to optimise ‘saleability’ and the sale price, get in touch. Others who are ‘match ready’, so to speak, tend to call us just a matter of weeks before going to market and so rather more spontaneous. The message for 2018 is that with no referendums or elections, the selling season is clear of major distractions and so far more likely to ‘spring’ into life. A competitive mortgage market means rates remain low and the economic effects of Brexit are far less negative than had been thought…partly because the global economies are strengthening. Accordingly if buying or selling, this could be the moment to ‘pop above the parapet’ and make that move….we’re ready, willing and able so do call!

Marishelle Gibson
